⬜How to join
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You can join the Rift community on many platforms !
-Website: https://riftofmagic.com/
Our Website is by far the page with the more information about the project.
You'll find every future step we'll take together, our Roadmap, an FAQ, and the main characters that contributed to the project. Beautifully designed by our developers, you'll learn everything you want to learn about Rift of Magic in a fluid and elegant, but magical way.
-Discord: https://discord.gg/riftofmagic
Discord is by far where we are the most present.
Here you can check our daily news, chat with us and other Rifters and learn more about the project! Sneak peaks are often posted, and we offer many ways for our fellow joiners to win a Whitelist.
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/RiftOfMagic
Twitter will host daily announcements, collabs with other projects and giveaways to our community.
From there you will be informed of every important step of Rift of magic ahead of the rest of the world.
-Reddit: u/Rift_Of_Magic
Reddit will also be a house of giveaways and collabs.
We are very frequently ranked first on diverse hashtags and use this network to grow our community.
-Medium: https://medium.com/@RiftOfMagic
Medium give you a User Friendly "blog" view of the project.
We want to keep the Rift of Magic's Journey as inclusive as possible, and we love the text to audio proposed by medium! That's why Rift Of Magic stories will be written there!